The Dairy Products Technology Center


The Cal Poly Dairy Products Technology Center was formed in 1986 to meet the growing needs of the dairy industry for relevant research, industry training, and skilled graduates. Our Institute is one of six dairy centers of excellence in the United States. Cal Poly has invested in, and firmly established a solid infrastructure of technical expertise, processing and lab research equipment, and industry partnerships to address current and future needs of the dairy industry. The Institute is not only recognized throughout California, but also nationally and internationally as a center of excellence for research, industry technology transfer, and education in dairy foods.


A globally recognized institute for dairy foods research and education.


Deliver educational programs, industry outreach, and technology transfer to add value to the dairy processing industry, and develop leaders for tomorrow.


The Center has active programs in research, outreach, and training. The research program currently emphasizes cheese science and technology, dairy foods quality, dairy ingredients technology, and novel process technologies. The outreach programs serve the dairy industry through short courses and symposia. The Institute provides a for trade groups, consumers, media, and individual companies. Institute graduates are known for a possessing leadership skills and practical knowledge in dairy science and technology, and are highly sought after by the dairy industry.


The Dairy Products Technology Center is a home of faculty, research associates, technicians, educational program manager and administrative support staff who are passionate about dairy science and technology.  Our in-house expertise includes but not limited to:  dairy ingredients manufacturing/application, dairy foods formulation design/manufacturing, ingredient functionality evaluation, composition analysis, texture and structure characterization, sensory evaluation and food safety.  Our scientists and technologists apply their diverse expertise in fundamental knowledge and applied skills for supporting a sustainable growth of the dairy industry.  The Institute is supported by a seven-member Industry Associates Advisory Council to provide research and industry outreach direction.  Contact Us



Education: Bachelor of Science (Dairy Science), Master of Science in Agriculture (Dairy Products Technology); learning about fundamental principles and practices used in dairy products technology, with an emphasis on practical Learn by Doing experiences. This program is supported by a Dairy Science Program Advisory Council.

Research and Development: Dairy foods product/process research and development projects (inter-institutional collaboration, senior thesis projects, graduate student thesis projects, industry sponsored projects, collaborative projects with industry, proprietary research and development projects).

Technology Transfer: Dairy short courses and symposia for industry personnel; demonstration and testing of new technological advances.

Commercial Production: Manufacture of dairy products for retail sale.

Visiting Scientists and Research Students Program: Research collaboration with Institute faculty.

The Future

The Center is developing new programs to support market growth and novel dairy technical innovation. We are initiating new approaches to produce more trained graduates to drive improved product quality and growth in the value of dairy products.

Current Areas of Research

  • Structural nutrition: release of nutrients and bioactive compounds from dairy products under digestive conditions
  • Flavor and textural functional properties of cheese
  • Impact of processing conditions on dairy product quality
  • Novel extraction technologies of dairy ingredients
  • Adding value to dairy ingredients
  • Impact on the diet of cows on cheese quality and functional properties

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